
Passionate Unilorites,

Passionate Unilorites,


It has come to that point in the session where the baton of leadership is passed to a new set of Student Union leaders. We have been at the helm of affairs for about 2 years and we have relentlessly committed our efforts to the betterment and rebranding of the value system in the University of Ilorin.

It is on this note that we wish invite the entire students populace to the Handing Over and Inauguration of the new Student Union Executives scheduled to hold by 9 a. m. this morning, at the University Main Auditorium. We wish the incoming administration a successful stay at the Kaduna Nzeogwu Building.

We also seize this opportunity to inform Final Year Students that the Library clearance has been structured as below:

1. Students can submit their clearance forms at the Library between 8 am to 10am everyday, and,

2. Students who have submitted should go for the collection between 1pm to 3pm the following day.

All students who have earlier submitted their clearance should go for the collection between 1pm to 3pm today. We apologize for the complexity of the clearance exercise and we are sure this new structure would address and reduce the stress of our prestigious soon-to-be alumni.

We wish all members of our Union success in all their endeavors. After the Union, we may rest!