

The Excellence-Driven Administration want to emphasise how crucial safety and security are to you as our students.

Personal Safety: The utmost priority is your safety. Whether you are on campus or off, you should always be aware of your surroundings. Go out in groups, especially during late hours. Never be afraid to ask for help from campus security or local authorities if you ever feel unsafe.

Property security: Take great care to keep your possessions safe. Keep in mind that even a small amount of caution can significantly reduce theft.

Communication: Please get in touch with our dedicated Students' Union and Student Affairs Unit right away if you have any concerns, whether they are connected to safety or anything else. They're here to help you and support you.

Travel Caution: Make sure your properties are in order before departing for the break. Verify locks and security precautions twice. Take crucial files and documents with you, if at all possible. You can avoid unneeded tension while away from campus by taking this extra precaution.

Our main concerns are your safety and well-being, and we are dedicated to giving you access to a safe learning environment. Keep in mind that taking preventative measures and being communicative with one another is essential to a secure and productive academic journey.