

My beloved students,

Let me start by congratulating you all on the successful conduct of your general elections culminating in the emergence of a new leadership. You have by this, demonstrated that even our country needs so much to learn from you my wonderful students because you ensured that the election was not only free, fair and credible but rancour free. I wish the new leadership a very successful tenure while I congratulate the out-going executive for a very wonderful tenure.

In advance, I wish you all success in the coming examinations. I have no doubt that you have managed to prepare in spite of the excruciating challenges that we currently witness in our University especially the forced position by the IBEDC which has affected electricity and water supply. I must specially appreciate and commend your resilience, perseverance, show of understanding and uncommon commitment to our University. I appreciate your responsible studentship and hope that we will overcome this ugly situation in shortest possible time.

The University is working assiduously to ensure that the challenges are fixed and never again shall we go through this odious path in our University. Once beaten, twice shy. We remain committed to a campus that is very conducive to teaching and learning because we know our students are being prepared for global competition and recognition. Thus, we have irreducible minimum standard of academic excellence.
Please continue to be patient with us as we try to find permanent solution to this challenge.

Wishing you the very best of luck in your examinations.

Prof. Wahab Olasupo Egbewole, SAN